Insert sports analogy for being nearly finished a thing.

After taking care of lastnights kerfuffle with the Pro Micro, I am obsessively pouring over each image in the Iris Build Log to make sure I don't have additional troubles.

As luck would have it, I managed to make it through the rest of the build without incident and took an insane number of pictures.

My keyboard is turning out exactly how I had hoped! It's pretty, it's clickey, it's MINE.

The trouble now is that flashing it with a Windows computer is proving to be a real pain. I can't see any reason why it shouldn't be working, I've got the drivers, the Pro Micros are recogized when I connect them (yay for not damaging one lastnight). I'm going to see if one of my co-workers running a Mac or Linux machine can try for me.

More pictures of my pretty:

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